Sunday, 25 August 2013

Black and White Landscape

This is at Bondi Beach and a natural reserve near Canberra...

Water balloons!

This is what happens when you pop a water balloon with your teeth...

And when you smash it like Hulk...

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Black and White Photography

Here are my photographs so far, I'll try and post one each week!



Narrabundah Girl


Our Dark Side



Tuesday, 4 June 2013

DIY Lace up jeans

Dear lapins,
Here's a pretty awesome lace up jeans I did:

 Step 1: cut on the 2 outside sides of the pants. Note to self: by  some of those fancy-ass sewing scissors.
Step 2: turn the pants inside-out J
Step 3: pin the lace! Make sure it’ll be the right width by checking with another pair of skinny pants.

Step 4: sew up! Fuck I need a sewing machine L
Step 5: turn out-inside.
Step 6: cross your fingers, hope for the best and put it on.

Hello my lapins,

This blog is for my awesome friend in Hungary Nora :)
I'm gonna share my creations and some random awesome stuff.